Saturday, March 20, 2010

Meaning Of existence

The beggar told me he lives to beg and begs to live..
The salesman told me he wakes up every morning wondering how many products he will sell that day...
The postman told me he is worried whether he will find the right address and the right name that day...
The driver told me he wants to replenish the car for which he needs to earn more that day...
The truant student told me he worries about his upcoming exams..
The studious one told me he's confident about the same..
The teacher told me he wanted all students to listen to him carefully...
The politician told me he wants the new policy to be popular...
The writer told me he wanted new ideas to come to him that day...
The waiter told me he wanted new customers to come to him the that day..
The Master told me he wanted a more servile servant that day..
The servant told me he wanted a more tolerable master that day..
The Mother told me she's worried about her child coming safely home that day..
The musician he wanted to make a breathtaking song that day...
The soldier told me he wanted the war soon to end..
The ammunition manufacturer told me wanted the war to continue..
The Judge told me he wanted more evidence that day..
The accused told me he wanted no evidence coming against him that day...
The mourners wanted the dead to come back..
Out of these wants that were wanted out of that day, a single day...I wonder how many were granted...
but talking to all these people on that rainy July morning I realised "that day" had a lot of potential..that battles could be won and lost..that hearts could be broken and I went about doing my best out of the given conditions so that "my want" from that day would be fulfilled...
thus I fell into the sphere of what is called "existence".
It took me long to figure it out...because come to think of it "in the long run we are all dead"...
It took me long to figure it out because I was critical of the short run...thinking it to be petty, trivial, negligible..
but it is it lies all our trivial joys, hope, sadness, grief.Yes all these are existence..all these are life...